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Digital Skills

Digital Testing Skills

Students testing online need to understand the format, tools, and question types they will experience prior to taking a digital test. Without much experience and practice the technology can sometimes be frustrating and different for students. Offering students learning opportunities to practice the digital skills needed on these tests can help them with feeling more comfortable and confident on the day of testing. 

Looking for resources for your children or students? Browse the resources below for games and practice tutorials for using computers for digital testing. 

Student Readiness Tool

The SRT (by grade level) is an innovative and engaging tool to accomplish an understanding of the test format, tools, and question types for students.

NJSLA and NJGPA Tutorials

The purpose of these tutorials is to demonstrate the navigation and tools available for Computer-Based Assessments. The items appearing in these tutorials are samples used to allow students and educators to gain familiarity with the technology platform that is used for the NJSLA and NJGPA.

TestNav Tools and Icons

TestNav displays tools for student use during online testing.

Navigation, Tools, Question Types, and Test Supports Index

The online SRT (Student Readiness Tool) includes several tutorials in the four categories of Getting Around (Navigation), My Tools, The Questions, and Test Supports. All tutorials are defined below to support a general understanding of the purpose and function of the content addressed.

Technical Skills

Practice your tech skills with interactive activities and eBooks. Learn keyboarding, shortcuts, mouse and trackpad skills, digital citizenship and more through visuals and audio.


Learn about a variety of technology topics such as Digital Citizenship, Computer Basics, Research Skills and more through reading or listening along to an eBook.

Sample eBook: Using a Mouse or Trackpad

Interactive Activities

Search for practice activities by keyword, category, and grade level to practice your tech skills. 

Sample Activity: Mouse and Trackpad Practice

Interactive PDFs

Review tech topics such as computer icons, computer shortcuts, and computer parts through interactive games. 

Sample PDF Game: Keyboard Shortcuts