Dual Enrollment
New Jersey students have multiple pathways to earn both secondary and post-secondary course credits. Dual enrollment is one of these pathways. As a course, dual enrollment is one for which students may simultaneously earn high school and college credits.
High school students who dually enroll are more likely to:
- Earn higher grades in high school;
- Graduate from high school;
- Attend a post-secondary university;
- Earn a post-secondary degree.
Source: nj.gov/education
Current HTSD Dual Enrollment Partnerships
(Courses noted below are available for dual enrollment credit)
William Paterson University
- Spanish III
- Spanish IV
- Advanced Placement Spanish
- Admin Contact: abatlle@htsdnj.org
Fairleigh Dickinson University
- Introduction to Business
- International Business & Economics
- Marketing I Essentials
- Admin Contact: dtan@htsdnj.org
Kean University
- Tomorrow's Teachers
- Admin Contact: fmiraglia@htsdnj.org
Mercer County Community College
- English 101
- English 102
- Admin Contact: fmiraglia@htsdnj.org
The College of New Jersey
- All HTSD Advanced Placement Courses
- Admin Contact: ascotto@htsdnj.org