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Enrichment/Gifted & Talented


mind clip art


(as required by NJDOE Broadcast dated 10/20/21)

Policies and Procedures:

K-2 Students: All students receive gifted and talented (enrichment) lessons in their homeroom.

End of Grade 2: At the end of 2nd grade, all students are evaluated for the gifted and talented program. All 2nd grade students are evaluated based on the CogAT score, teacher recommendation, and report card grades. Each category is weighted with the CogAT weighted the highest (70% for CogAT, 15% for Teacher Recommendation, & 15% for Report Card Grades).

Incoming Grades 4 - 5: At the end of each school year, teachers can submit names of students to be evaluated based on multiple measures including previous CogAT score, SAGES reasoning Assessment, teacher recommendation, and report card grades. Each category is weighted with the CogAT (or SAGES) weighted the highest (70% for CogAT, 15% for Teacher Recommendation, and 15% for Report Card Grades). Teachers are also able to recommend students throughout the year to complete the evaluation process as well.

Grades 6-8: At the end of the previous school year, students sit for a placement test. The results of the assessment, along with  two other measures (teacher recommendation and report card grades), are used to identify students for admission into the accelerated courses.                            

Grades 9-12: At the end of the previous school, students sit with their assigned school counselor to determine a course of study for the upcoming school year. Utilizing the high school program of studies, prerequisite information (which includes information about grade averages, teacher recommendation, and previous courses), it is determined if a student meets criteria for admission into a particular course.

Services Offered:

Grades K-2: (Enrichment)
All students in grades kindergarten through second grade receive push in services from the gifted and talented teacher.  The teachers complete whole class lessons for all students that are focused on  problem solving and critical thinking skills. Gifted and talented teachers utilize the P.E.T.S: Primary Education Thinking Skills to teach students about different learning styles and activities that support each learning style.

Grades 3 - 5: (ALPS)
In grades 3-5, students who qualify for the gifted and talented program are pulled for small group instruction for 1 hour per week. The gifted and talented teacher conducts small group lessons that are focused on problem solving and critical thinking skills. Teachers provide students with opportunities to learn more about careers (through Rozzy). Students also learn about the productive struggle through a Rubik's Cube Curriculum (through You Can Do The Cube). The teachers also utilize a variety of activities where students practice using math and technology to create digital images (through Shapegrams).

Grades 6-8: (Course Acceleration)
In grades 6-8, the district offers accelerated courses in the areas of mathematics (including high school level courses) and English Language Arts.

Grades 9-12: (Course Acceleration)
In grades 9-12, the district offers honors level and Advanced Placement (AP) courses in art, business, English, mathematics, music, science, social studies, applied technology, and world language.

Criteria Utilized:

We utilize multiple measures to determine if a student qualifies for our gifted and talented program. The students are evaluated based on their score on the CogAT assessment, teacher recommendation, and report card grades. If an additional measure is requested, we will administer the SAGES reasoning assessment. See breakdown of percents noted above under policies and procedures.

At the end of 2nd grade, all students are evaluated. In grades 3rd - 5th, teachers are able to recommend students to be reevaluated.              

Criteria for 6-8: Placement test, teacher recommendation, and report card grades.          

Criteria for 9-12: grade average in current course, teacher and/or school counselor recommendation, and previous course completion.
Complaint/Concerns Prcoedure (NJ DOE requirement)
Families are permitted to contact administration and to move forward with an appeal. All appeals are accepted and reviewed. Where applicable, students are re-screened and/or provided with alternative measures when considering admission into the program and/or course.
Additional Resources: